Equality and Inclusion
I will fight for equality and inclusion for ALL in affordable healthcare, housing, job access, job pay, justice access, legal counsel access and protection from violent words and actions. These are human rights and support a basic level of respect and quality of life. It is dehumanizing and inhumane to deny these rights from anyone.
This especially effects women, minorities, lower income children/families/individuals, members of the LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, refugees, those living with disabilities and mental illnesses, and the homeless, who experience the injustices and cruelty of major disparities and inequities in these categories.
We need to prioritize and reevaluate our standards and expectations for humanity, justice, compassion and respect for upholding the dignity, value and voice of each individual.
This is simple, LOVE. The Golden Rule. Love your neighbor as yourself, treat everyone with kindness and respect as you would want to be treated.